There are three main ways you can support our work. 

The people who stay with us aren’t allowed to access public funds and so this limits the funding that we as an organisation can apply for. For instance, most national and local government funding isn’t available to us so our champions and partners in the community are a lifeline. 


Donate cash.

Since transitioning to a round-the-clock service providing three meals a day, our costs have greatly increased. You can support this work by making a one-off or regular monthly donation.
Regular donations offer an invaluable source of funding for our organisation.
If you are a grant maker or you would like to talk about working in partnership with your organisation please get in touch.

Donate food and other items.

We are currently looking for multiple items including clothing and essential items to keep everything running.

Please click on the button below to see our wishlist.

Donate in-kind items.

Keep an eye out for our next in-kind donations drive. If you have a large amount of suitable donation items, and can’t wait until our next donations day, please contact and we will reply letting you know if your donation is suitable and if we are able to collect it. Please be aware that we are a small organisation with limited capacity to answer emails so might not get back to you straight away.

Thank you for your support, we really appreciate every donation we receive as it enables us to maintain our vital service, as well as challenge the systems that exist that allow people to become destitute in the first place.

Become a host with Refugees at Home


Refugees at Home is a UK-wide charity that connects people with a spare room with asylum seekers and refugees who need a temporary place to stay. We accept referrals from organisations that are able to support our guests with their asylum claim or accessing other accommodation options once they have Refugee status. 

The beauty of hosting is you tell us what you can offer and we will make it work - whether that is a couple of weeks or longer term.  If you would like to host please apply on our website, or give one of our placement team a call on 03003654724 for an informal chat.